Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, Syndromes, And Diagnosis

We ask ourselves what causes Bipolar disorder and what the effects are. There are about approximately 5.7 millions Americans suffering from bipolar disorde r. Many people only have a surface understanding of the disorder that is garnered from television and articles in popular publications. The best way to help yourself or anyone you know that have this condition is to understand the bipolar disorder symptoms, syndromes, and diagnosis. Then focus on the treatments of getting help and getting better and staying well. Bipolar disorder involves cyclical episodes of depression and mania, and it is considered to be a lifelong affliction. The type of Disorder diagnosis depends on the individual mood swings and how they are present. This reaction act different in each person different. The manic depression episodes involve a period of time in which emotions are elevated in a positive direction, often for no particular reason. Sometimes this brief elation can cause weakness havoc on your life and even result in suicidal thoughts. Between cycles, individuals who suffer from bipolar can usually lead fairly normal lives. There are many different kinds of bipolar disorder you have bipolar 1 and bipolar 2. The bipolar 2 disorder is milder present than bipolar 1. The individual suffer from bipolar 2 will experience ups and downs but do not reach the full reactions like the bipolar 1 particularly because an individual with bipolar 2 is able to maintain control during hypomanicShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder : Symptoms And Symptoms1100 Words   |  5 PagesBIPOLAR DISORDER What is bipolar disorder? A disorder with episode of mood swing ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. Each episode usually last days to week at a time. Episodes may occur several times a year or throughout the year. Mania symptoms include periods of elevated mood of irritability. 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